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Day 8 - Have you ever had your heart broken? Have you ever broken a heart?
2014年2月13日木曜日 0 loves



Hello everybody!
I'm sorry for my late post, but I had a lot to do. And I'm still not near the end of my 'to do list'. ><
So, let's start day 8.

Like in the classic 'A-guy-broke-up-with-me-and-I-ate-a-whole-pack-of-ice-cream' kind of situation, I haven't had my heart broken yet. Not that I'll ever I'm a way stronger young woman than that. But I had my heart broken by my grandparents many times over the last 12 years. As I said in an older post I think my family has a great relationship but... Most of the times when I think it's not great even in the slightest is because of my father's parents.
I didn't break any hearts so far. Not that I know of.
