2013年9月1日日曜日 0 loves

Hey, everybody!
So, about that previous entry, I simply deleted that. It felt like I wasn't the one who wrote it. But, here's an other one.
Lately I've read some entries from Nóra Oravecz's blog and she has become a huge inspiration to me. The way she writes those entries are indescribable. She really got me think about some things in my life. So, thank you Nóra! <3
Before I dig deeper down, I have a lot of favourite quotations from various people and from various songs. My current favourite is this: "Who will I be? It's up to me! (...) I get to make the future what I want to!"
What I'd like to write about is dreams. I mean, you guys also have dreams just like me, right? And I'm not talking about those dreams that you have at night but those you want to achieve. Because everybody wants to achieve something in this life, right?
My life philosophy is that dreams drive you to the correct direction. And beside this, YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN MAKE YOUR LIFE WORTH. You are the only one who knows what you want to do with your life and how you want to live it when you grow up. You only live once, so make the most of it.
Every since I was 7 years old my Mom always told me to set goals and to have dreams because otherwise I won't achieve anything in life. Goals and dreams help you to stay on the right way. And these goals can change by the time you get older: even though I wanted to be a writer at the age of 13, now, at the age of 18 I strictly stick to my dream: to become an interpreter and to learn as many languages as I can. 'Cause this is what suits me.
It's not enough to have dreams. You have to focus on them. You have to have a burning desire inside of you and have to feel a knot inside of your stomach every time it comes to your mind. Because then, you really want it. You need it. But don't forget to WORK for them, because dreams won't come true on their own, you have to do a lot for them to come true. On the other hand, if you just say something like "oh, yeah, I want to achieve it too" but feel completely NOT A THING when you say it out loud, then, my friend you DON'T want to achieve it AT ALL. Those are just empty words that flew out of your mouth. End of story.
What's the most necessary thing is to THINK POSITIVE. Don't let others have you down with their negative mind, because they're just envy. Envy of you, who actually have dreams and want to do something to reach them. If you feel you're on the right way towards your dream, don't let their opinion hurt you. Just focus on your dream and let these opinions flew by, because you're strong enough to pay no attention to these.
You know, I learned nearly a year ago that being successful has its own stages. First, after you decided what do you want to do, and you want to achieve success, most of those people who know you (or at least they think they know you) will laugh at you, saying that "You're stupid to think it'll work."(no matter what they had said, in the back of their mind they might have thought this) then, they'll feel sorry for you, and think that "Look at that poor thing she thought she'd be able to do this and now she has no time at all", and they'll try to talk the dream out of you. After that, they'll be surprised, "OMG, she's driving a Lamborghini" and will think you only had luck, and nothing more. However when you arrived to your success' last stage the bomb will explode. They'll say "DAMMIT, she made it! She's popular and successful, she has all the thing she wanted to achieve when we were younger and knew her."
So yes, there will be haters/dream "destroyers". Those who will envy you for your achievements. Who will watch you like an eagle to know when you'll fall and when they can rub it into your face "They've said it".
But you'll have followers as well, to whom you'll be a role model, and they want to become as strong as you are, who'll stand by your side no matter what happens, and you will be inspiration for them to go on and stand up even after the worst thing happened to them. And you know what? Because of them it completely worth it.

I hate when someone complains about how miserable their life is. You could have made it less miserable, you know, if you wanted to. But you didn't make it, so the equation is easy, you didn't want it enough to do something for it. You quietly accepted the situation you're in, and didn't want to change it.
Be honest, if not with me, at least yourself. Look inside of you and ask yourself "What do I REALLY want to do/achieve/do with my life?" If you come to the answer "Nothing" then, it's wrong. Very wrong. Once, when you were younger certainly you had a dream. But something made you step aside from the road to that dream. And you arrived to a dead end.
Don't let your dreams be just dreams. Aside from your most loyal friends and family your dreams will stay with you no matter what.

Have the strength to carry on. You shouldn't have to give up. You CAN'T give up. I know I have a lot of haters out there and besides achieving every single thing I've wrote so far into my Dream Note, I can't wait to prove those people who doubt me wrong. I can't wait to show them what I've achieved. What I've become. From the 'grey little mouse' who always cried whenever someone said something bad to her, from the girl who was insecure about everything she did, and had no self-esteem at all I've grown into a self-confident, independent, grown-up young woman. I'm a diamond in the rough.
I'm on the best way to my dream, and I know I'm going to achieve it. 'Cause the burning desire is inside of me, 'cause I feel that knot in my stomach every time I think or talk about it and I feel that I need my dream to come true because without that my life wouldn't be complete.
For me, there's nothing that's impossible. I dream big, but I know I can make it. I want to be free when I'll start working, from any kind of bosses, I want to be free because I want to live my life the way I'd always dreamed about. I want to be free to do what I like to do and I want my career to become my hobby. I want to be free from worries and fears and I want to believe there aren't any limits in the world and you, me, anyone else can reach what they really want. And never stop dreaming. Dreams give you the power to carry on, and they'll provide you more and more dreams as well. Believe me, once you started dreaming, you can't stop. If you don't have dreams it means, you're dying inside. And don't let that happen.

What I think is also important to surround yourself with people from who you can get support and from who you can learn. You have no idea how much I'd learned from my friends.
Lately I've been thinking about my past. How much time did I waste on the wrong people? I thought I did something good by it, but no. I was only taken advantage of. And I spent less time with those people who really would deserve it. But now it's completely different. My friends are my REAL friends and those who I once considered as "friends" flew out of my life. Because they didn't have any kind of place in it. You know (as Nóra said it in her latest entry) it really does matter to who do you give your life and why? Do you think they deserve it? When will you realize it had been a waste of time? WILL you realize it? Do they really want you as a part of their own life or you just force yourself on them? Let them live up to the current moment. Then, they'll treasure every moment they can spend with you. These moments are what count and nothing else.
I think I realized it. I don't force myself on them, with my friends from my class we meet 2 or 3 times a week, with Imo-chan we can talk for hours over the smallest things, we nearly talk for 2 hours every week on phone and when we meet we chat about 4-5 hours. And both of us need it. With Eszter, we can write letters which are equal to a novel to each other. And they're just my friends from my generation. My friends who are a little bit older than me are also the same. And I know I can trust them and they'll never ever use me. ♥ I treasure every moment I get to spend with my friends. I learned every word we've written to each other with Eszter by heart because I treasure her. I remember every little thing we've done with Imo-chan so far, from the dance course to our latest meeting, from elementary school's 1st grade 'til the 8th grade and even after that. Every single meeting and phone conversation we had during holidays and school years.
By the way, I wouldn't dare to count how many years did I waste on people who didn't deserve my attention or who just used me. I made my own mistakes and learned from them. They'll be with me 'til the rest of my life and I'll always remember these mistakes as "don't ever dare to do them again". I threw a lot of expensive time out of the window for the wrong people and I can't remember any of the times I've spent with them. End of story.
While I was reading Nóra's post, I was thinking of how many people are out there who didn't appreciate that I tried to be there for them. They (or at least I think) didn't appreciate my attention, maybe wasn't happy at all because I gave my attention to them, and didn't treasured it. But that doesn't matter. I moved on, and I'm not interested in either these people or their opinion.
I want to say a huge thank you to all of my friends who are there for me every time. Without you guys I wouldn't be the girl I am today, and thank you, thank you, for your friendship. ♥ I ♥ U!
So, my dear readers, what I'm trying to say is that treasure your true friends. They'll be there for you whenever you'll need them, and appreciate their friendship! Just as my friends are my other halves, your friends are your halves as well.
As closing words for this entry... Stick to your dreams, and make them come true. You know you can, you just have to want it very very much. Be free to do what you wanna do, and be free from your fears. And treasure your real friends. Because they'll never leave you.
For an afterword, some words from my recent favourite, Katy Perry's Roar. Because this is so inspiring.
"I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter, dancing through the fire
Cause I am a champion and you’re gonna hear me ROAR
Louder, louder than a lion
Cause I am a champion and you’re gonna hear me ROAR"

Pictures from weheartit.com and tumblr.com
ラベル: Katy Perry - ROAR