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2013年8月30日金曜日 0 loves

ハロー皆さん!(* ^ー゚)ノぃょぅ

久しぶりね?( ・。・)つ色々があったから、ブログに時間がなかった。時間があると、このエントリーの前のエントリーも書く予定です。ごめんね。来週高校の最後の年を始まるよ。エッ(゚Д゚≡゚Д゚)マジ? ワクワクしているよ。( ^▽^)皆さんもワクワクしているの?( ^×^)アンタモネー

It's been a while, again. I'm sorry I had a hard time and had no time for the blog at all. If I have enough time I'm gonna write the post before this one, I promise. So, sorry for not blogging for so long. Btw, I'm extremely excited (and nervous). My last year in high school starts next week. And I can't wait to see my classmates. ( ^∀^)ゲラ
So, because I haven't had anything interesting to blog about (okay I had but I had no time to blog about it) I came up with this "20 random facts" to fill in the gap. Let's get started...

1. I'm a leftie.
2. I'm an only child (however I have a half-sister), and my BFFs, Imo-chan and Eszter are like siblings to me.
3. I'm in love with Japan's language and culture, and the whole country itself.
4. My favourite city is Tokyo. My favourite district is Shinjuku.
5. My favourite band is the GazettE and my favourite singer is Avril Lavigne (according to Imo-chan I bear some resemblance with Avril).
6. When I was younger I wanted to become a writer. Now, my dream is to become a translator and interpreter. I'm working on making it come true since 6th grade.
7. I have a passion for languages. I'm learning English since I was 4 years old, and I'm learning Japanese for 7 years and French for 4 years. I want to learn Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, Chinese, Russian, Thai and some Japanese dialects as well.
8. My favourite languages are English and Japanese.
9. I can't ride a bike. When I tried to learn it my grandfather let go of me, I fell down and I completely gave the whole thing up.
10. I love Miyazaki Hayao's and Studio Ghibli's movies.
11. I have a picture on my bookshelf in my room which says 「信じつづける事、夢かな」 and it means "If you believe, your dreams come true." Everyday when I wake up this is the first thing I see.
12. I cannot be seen without a book. My current favourite book series is Saint Johanna High School by Laura Leiner (Szent Johanna Gimi in Hungarian).
13. I'd rather have a specific meeting place with my friends where we can eat ice-cream or something than wandering around the town aimlessly.
14. I'm an Aquarius, born in February. Therefore I love winter. On contrary can't stand cold weather.
15. I used to go every anime convention I had a chance to go, but my last con was in 2011. I simply feel that I grew out of anime conventions.
16. Me and my BFF, Imo-chan will be friends for 12 years on 1st September.
17. My favourite places in Budapest are Sugar Shop confectionery, Károli Gáspár University (it completely swept me off of my feet on 25th January), Millenium Bookstore on Oktogon, and WestEnd City Center.
18. I have personalized ringtones for my Mom and my BFF. Both are by the GazettE.
19. I have a notebook what I call "Dream Note" which contains all my goals I want to achieve in my life and I'm still adding to it.
20. I have a plenty of favourite car types. I want to have a Suzuki Kizashi, a Lexus LS600h, a Ferrari, a Lamborghini and an Infiniti.

(*^ー゚)/~~ (・ε・)
