2013年7月5日金曜日 0 loves
元気なの?私、とても元気ね。今週はとても楽しかった。( ^▽^) イモちゃんとSkypeをした。そして、先週の金曜日にも会った。(・∀・)
Hey, everyone!
So, last Friday I met Imo-chan. We had so much fun.(* ^ー゚) We talked about anything and everything. Even about SzJG too. We were fantasizing if SzJG would have a movie adaptation who would be the perfect character from our former class in elementary school. Well, we didn't come to a solution yet. I mentioned a 'popular kid' from the class as a possible actor for Cortez but we had to realize that he wouldn't fit the role completely. ┐(´д`)┌
And we discussed our family issues as well. As we're like sisters for each other, it's a tradition now.
I asked her if she knew something about our former classmates. She said two of the 'popular girls' (even though I hate labels I won't EVER use my former or current classmates' name (expect for Imo-chan, heehee), so bear with me.) asked her to organize a class reunion. Okay. But, can't they organize it themselves? (・ε・ ) Back then, they were those who hated the class and gossiped about everyone and now, they're the ones who want go to the class reunion so badly. (・◇・lll) Don't get me wrong, I would also go to one, if Imo-chan is going too. Otherwise, I don't think so. I might get along with my classmates but there are people who I don't want to meet. (゚ε゚ )
Okay, so. Back to the main topic. We went to our new 'Place', which is in the town center as well as Délibáb was before it got closed. The place is called 'Fodor Fagyizó' (A/N: approx. 'Fodor Ice Cream Parlor' is the correct English translation) and we moved our meetings there from now on. For the summer, that is. We haven't decided yet if we want to move back to Arizona for winter.
It was a little bit rainy when we met, and the indoor tables (just 3, the rest of the tables are outdoor tables) were occupied, so we decided to sit at an outdoor table.(・∀・)イイネ!! In the rain. Okay, it was not heavy at all, but we were the only ones who sat there. We were soo cool.(≧∇≦)b And we laughed and talked. Then, we had strawberry flavored snow cones. And it was like, Imo-chan asked me what kind of flavor I'd like and I was like, "Strawberry of course". When she came back with two strawberry snow cones (btw, next time I'll pay for our snow cones, Imo-chan!) and she told me she was also thinking of strawberry. Just like the other times, we thought of the same thing. (・∀・)人( ̄ー ̄)人
Then, we went to window shopping. It was extremely great. First, we went to the farthest part of the town and then, we went back to the center, because our next destination was next to Fodor. We're clever, aren't we? |゚‐゚ν And we visited my Mom in the pharmacy as well, because I got tired of carrying my leather jacket, and I couldn't put it into my bag, it was too small.( ^∀^)ゲラ
After that we went to Imo-chan's home, and while we were on the way to her house we were talking about our second foreign languages which we learn in school. I didn't say much in French, but when she said she'd like to spend a week in Budapest in German, it immediately dawned on me, "Why won't we spend a week at my flat?" so, I had an almost complete plan what could we do and Mom also agreed with it, but when I discussed it with Imo-chan she said she wouldn't make it because her summer holiday is extra busy. So, if everything is going well, we (we, and our mothers) might go to Budapest for 1 day. |☆∀☆)ノィョゥ But maybe next year, after our leaving exams are over we will go to Budapest for a week.
We had a great 15 minutes at her home, but then, Mom called me, that her work is over at the pharmacy and where should she pick me up. So after she arrived we had to say goodbye to each other with Imo-chan.
Thanks to her, I couldn't stop smiling for the weekend.ヽ从^▽^从ノ
And I couldn't wait for Monday to call her on Skype.|⌒ v.⌒0)ノィョゥ
That's all for today, if something interesting (or anything else which is not sad) is happening again, I'll make an entry about it immediately.
ラベル: Little Mix - How Ya Doin'?
2013年7月2日火曜日 0 loves
Hey, everybody!
No, there won't be Japanese text but just for now.
It'll be a quick post.
As Google Reader will be shut down soon (I'm not sure if it already had though), I decided to make a bloglovin' account.
So, please follow me there if you want! It means a lot to me!
Thank you very much!
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