Believe in yourself
2012年3月14日水曜日 0 loves
Believe you can do it!
Nos, hogy miért "Believe in yourself" a bejegyzés címe, s miért kezdtem "Believe you can do it!" mondattal a köszönés után a bejegyzést... ヨロッパのラストを呼び集める今日でわはです。)Aki megfejti piros pontot kap. ^^) Szóval, hogy magyarul is elmondjam, ne csak japánul: Anya cégénél van egy olyan ösztönző program, aminek Európai Rally (továbbiakban ER) a neve. Idén volt utoljára, mert globálisra terjeszti ki a cég a rally-t, ami jövőre Hawaii-n lesz. Mondhatnám úgy is, hogy a következő ER Hawaii-n lesz. Az utolsó igazán európai Rally pedig Budapesten került megrendezésre a Papp László Sportarénában.
Most biztos azt kérdezhetitek, kedves olvasóim, hogy egy 17 éves lánynak mit adhat egy ilyen ER. Nagyon sok mindent. Leginkább erőt ahhoz, hogy emberfeletti álmokat kergessen, merjen újra nagyokat álmodó kislány lenni. Arra jöttem rá a tegnapi nap folyamán, hogy ha van bennem egy égető vágy ("Burning desire"... how inspiring its sound... Have you ever had this kind of desire, dear readers?), és újra álmodozó lányka tudok lenni semmi, ismétlem semmi nem állíthat meg, nem lesznek akadályok. Ha elhiszem, így is lesz. Ahogy az elnök is mondta tegnap: "Believe it. Know you can do it. Achieve it!"
Nos, akkor így a tőmondatok után úgy érzem kezdődhet a hosszú-hosszú élménybeszámoló az utolsó ER két napjáról. Előre szólok, tárgyilagos nem tudok lenni. Ez egy ugyanolyan életérzés, mint az a tudat, hogy ehhez a céghez tartozhat az ember. Ahhoz, hogy az ember igazán tudja miről beszélek, át kell élnie azt, amit én ebben a két napban átéltem.
24-én, pénteken délelőtt 11-kor kezdődött, és egy órával hamarabb beengedtek minket az aréna "nézőterére". Mondanom sem kell, Anya iszonyodott a tömegtől ami ránk várt, mikor mentünk fel a házigazdáknak kijelölt helyre - akárhogyan is, egész Európa ott volt... legalábbis a minősültek biztosan - és a 206-os szektor azon magasságától, ahova először leültünk. Aztán végül a mentorunk mellé ültünk le. Megjegyzem, kihelyezett reflektorok voltak az előttünk lévő "folyosón", így azok közül az egyik kitakarta a fél színpadot. De ez nem rontotta el a kedvemet, sőt!
Mindkét nap az úgy nevezett "Spirit Award"-ért versengett Európa, amiről cseppet később többet is megtudtok. ^^ Az az érzés lett úrrá rajtam, ami az első rally-men, anno 2008-ban: együtt látni Európát egy stadionban valami elmondhatatlan érzés. És az a tomboló erő, ami ott volt - jó értelemben véve, természetesen - azt le sem lehet írni megfelelő szavakkal.
Az első nap igazából "csak" ünneplésről szólt, elismerések követték egymást a színpadon szépen sorjában. Csak ámultam és eltátottam a számat szinte az összes ösztönzős csekknél. Olyan, de olyan összegek voltak, hogy hű. És, kedves olvasóim, most kapaszkodjatok meg! Igen, kissé összevissza lesz a bejegyzés most, mert ma történt, amiről említést teszek... Tudjátok, hogy merre van Kazahsztán, ugye? Hát persze, hogy tudjátok, miket beszélek... Akkor nyilván tudjátok azt is - vagy legalábbis van róla elképzelésetek - miféle-fajta helyzet van ott... Európában a 3. legnagyobb forgalmat egy kazah házaspár bonyolította, akik 2 éve csatlakoztak, és~. 100 - nem, nem írtam el, és még csak nem is látjátok rosszul - 100 managerük volt itt Budapesten velük. Hihetetlen, igaz? Nos, Európa erre is képes - itt legalábbis 100%-osan.
Most pedig vissza a normális kerékvágásba. Az ösztönzőprogramok, elismerések után - vagy még előtt, ha emlékezetem nem csak A Cirque du Soleil akrobatái mutatták meg tehetségüket. Újfent leesett állal tudtam nézni Őket a 206-os szektor első sorából. Hatalmas show volt az egész nap. Tolmácsgépet nem használtam, pedig mindkét nap "kivettük" az én tolmácsgépemet is. Minden egyes szót felfogtam, és megértettem.
És aztán jött az az ír házaspár... Eszméletlen volt, amit ott elmeséltek. Nem mondanám, hogy nem tudnám visszamondani azt, ami az előadásukban benne volt, de csupán 2 mondat ragadt meg a fejemben maradéktalanul, és kitörölhetetlenül: a bejegyzés címe, és a bejegyzés első mondata. Tudjátok mekkora erőt adott ez a két egyszerű mondatocska? Óriásit!
Az első nap a cég elnökének előadásával végződött, akkor hangzott el az a bizonyos burning desire... Ami azóta is éget belülről. Valamint, hogy ha az ember tud - és nem utolsó sorban mer! - újra gyerek lenni, nagyokat álmodni, feltétel nélkül bízni... A siker nem marad el. Azt hiszem az előadáson még be is könnyeztem.
Valamint a nap elejéről bővebben, mikor még nem foglalhattuk el a helyünket: Európát itt látni, mint már írtam fentebb is, valami csodálatos - és még így sem adtam vissza teljesen azt az érzést. Először az írekkel, és a románokkal találkoztunk, aztán találkoztunk még svájciakkal, finnekkel, svédekkel. Mondanom sem kell, az, hogy angolul beszélhettem - rögtön az első nap - nagyszerű érzés volt, bár igaz, hogy az első egy "Excuse me!" volt, mikor mentünk a bejárat felé. De annyira jól esett, hogy megértették, amit mondtam, és még válaszoltak is rá. *-* Bent pedig először még több, ezúttal román népviseletbe öltözött romániai minősültet láttunk. Az első gondolatom az volt, hogy "kirei". Ezután az volt a következő megmozdulásunk, kikértük mindkét tolmácsgépet. Visszafelé a tömeghez, most már tolmácsgépekkel felszerelkezve megláttuk a csapatunk néhány tagját, és odamentünk hozzájuk. És akkor, ott, szembejött velem egy kazah népviseletbe öltözött hölgy. Az első - és nem mellesleg az egyetlen - szó, ami kijött a torkomon az a "sugoi" volt. A szó legszorosabb értelmében. Bár nem vagyok oda a rózsaszínért, de az a ruhaköltemény csodálatos volt. A gyönyörű szoknya része a ruhának, a mintájának a kidolgozottsága egyenesen rabul ejtett. Még az a kis csúcsos sapka is, olyan aranyos volt. Sajnálom, hogy elfelejtettem vinni a fényképezőgépet.
Oh, és igen, a törököket majdnem kifelejtettem. Sumimasen. Szóval a törökök a nap elején nagyon energikusak voltak. Ahogy kántáltak, és a belőlük áradó erő levakarhatatlan mosolyt csalt az arcomra. Mikor pedig mellénk értek, valaki elkezdte "kántálni", - mert jobb szót jelen percben nem tudok mondani... írni - hogy "Ria, Ria, Hungária!" és ők is elkezdték. Úgy gondolom, ez sem mindennapi jelenet.
A második nap egy kétórás előadói blokkal kezdődött. Sok-sok érdekes dolgot tanultam. Volt szó az egyik termékről, és túlnyomó részt a sikerről. Tetszett annak az előadónak az egyik mondata aki az egyik termékről beszélt: "Az is a Te döntésed, hogy ma itt vagy." Igen, tényleg minden a mi döntéseinktől függ.
Aztán az egyik előadóhölgy a skandináv régióból érkezett, ha jól emlékszem jelenleg Stockholm-ban él. Egy fodrászszalonja van, és az első névlistájából 6 manager került ki. Csupán érdekességképpen mondom. Ezután a kazah házaspár férfi tagja adott elő, az előadása pedig arról szólt, hogy hogyan jutottak el idáig, hogy 100 managerük volt itt Budapesten. Érdekes volt, szinte tátott szájjal hallgattam amit mondott. Őt követte a cég leggyorsabb gyémántja, aki nem mellesleg MAGYAR, s Ő is a cégben eltöltött eddigi idejéről, valamint az életéről tartott előadást. Lenyűgöző volt. Eszméletlenül lenyűgöző. Ha jól tudok visszaemlékezni vele zárult az előadássorozat. Ezt követően volt egy háromnegyed órás szünet, amit a csapattal nagyrészt elbeszélgettünk, én ellőttem pár képet az arénáról a telefonom segítségével, - és nagyon erősen tartok attól, hogy nem épp a legkifogástalanabb képeim születtek... - meg még jártunk is az Aréna Sky környékén egy keveset. A második nap nem a 206-os szektorban foglaltunk helyet, hanem fent, az aréna legtetején a 320-asban. Lényegtelen mi miatt, volt egy egészen cseppnyi fennakadás, így az egész csapat átköltözött. De így volt a legjobb, mert most már szó szerint - na jó, majdnem - a lábam előtt hevert Európa. Az előadássorozat után következett az újabb ünnepléssorozat, és valahol a nap közepén - ugyanez volt az első nap is - volt egy kb. 5-10 perces "Rally Rave Move" blokkocska is, amiben az volt a mókás a mozdulatokon kívül, - volt például "Do the Monkey", "Brush off Your Shoulder", "Drive Your Car" és még sok más - hogy zöld ruhába öltözött emberkék mutogatták a fő- és a körszínpadon is a mozdulatokat.
Aztán pár ösztönzős csekk kiosztása után jött az elnök, és egy kis szívességet kért tőlünk. A cég jótékonysági alapítványa egy brazíliai árvaházat támogat ezúttal, és elmondta, hogy miket kértek az alapítványtól, és akkor ott egy csepp hiányzott ahhoz, hogy elkezdjek bőgni. Addig csak csendesen sírtam, de ha tovább mondja az elnök, azt hiszem abban a csendben ami akkor uralkodott az arénában, simán felsírtam volna. Továbbá azt mondta az elnök, hogy ha egy 10 €-s plüssbabát megveszünk, azzal támogatjuk az árvaházat. Azt mondtam, ha anno, közel egy éve, 74 €-t kapott Japán tőlünk, kettőnktől Anyuval, ez a 10 € igazán semmiség. A 74 €-s charity tevékenységünkről bővebben olvashatsz a 2011 március-áprilisi bejegyzésekben.
Lecaplattunk az Aréna Sky-ról, az előbb említett 320-as szektorból, át a fél arénán, és egy kihelyezett standnál megvettük a fehér plüssbabát kék "kalpaggal" (ami a cég egyik italát jelképezi, a kalpag a flakon kupakjának felel meg.).
Ezután még kiosztották a korábban említett Spirit Award-ot is, amit a Skandináv régió kapott meg ezúttal. Hogy mi is ez a Spirit Award? Egy olyan tábla - vagy ahhoz hasonló bekeretezett valami - amit minden ER-en egy-egy a legjobban lelkesedő régió kap meg. Mi, 2009-ben a malagai rally-n nyertük meg.
Idén két régió volt az, akik igazán produkálták magukat: az előbb említett skandináv régió, és a románok.
Örülök, hogy a skandinávok nyertek. Igazán kitettek magukért. ^^ Hiányozni fog az, ahogy mindkét nap megállás nélkül táncoltak és "kántálták", hogy "Scandinavia, Scandinavia, ollé!"...
Summa-summárum, a két nap életem legszebb két napja volt, és kegyetlenül nagy nyomott hagyott bennem, jó értelemben véve. A burning desire bennem csak még erősebb lett.
A legnagyobb - zenei téren - élményt pedig a végére hagytam. A második napon tudjátok ki volt a vendégfellépő? A Világ leggyorsabb zongoristája. Na, dereng valami? Semmi? És ha azt mondom HAVASI? Talán ez sem mond semmi közelebbit. Zseniális egy zenész, meg kell hogy mondjam. Rövid időn belül másodszor láttam aznap. Először decemberben volt szerencsém látni, és megismerni, az SD-n, akkor nagyjából 10 méterre ültem tőle. Most, légvonalban talán 25-30 méternyire. Hihetetlen, amit véghez vitt. És amit előadott, előadtak ott az valami csodálatos volt. ^^
U.I: Nemsokára befejezem az előző bejegyzést is, de ezt minél hamarabb be szerettem volna fejezni, mielőtt még az élmények mélyebbre kerülnének bennem, és netalántán felejtenék belőlük.
English version:
Lecaplattunk az Aréna Sky-ról, az előbb említett 320-as szektorból, át a fél arénán, és egy kihelyezett standnál megvettük a fehér plüssbabát kék "kalpaggal" (ami a cég egyik italát jelképezi, a kalpag a flakon kupakjának felel meg.).
Ezután még kiosztották a korábban említett Spirit Award-ot is, amit a Skandináv régió kapott meg ezúttal. Hogy mi is ez a Spirit Award? Egy olyan tábla - vagy ahhoz hasonló bekeretezett valami - amit minden ER-en egy-egy a legjobban lelkesedő régió kap meg. Mi, 2009-ben a malagai rally-n nyertük meg.
Idén két régió volt az, akik igazán produkálták magukat: az előbb említett skandináv régió, és a románok.
Örülök, hogy a skandinávok nyertek. Igazán kitettek magukért. ^^ Hiányozni fog az, ahogy mindkét nap megállás nélkül táncoltak és "kántálták", hogy "Scandinavia, Scandinavia, ollé!"...
Summa-summárum, a két nap életem legszebb két napja volt, és kegyetlenül nagy nyomott hagyott bennem, jó értelemben véve. A burning desire bennem csak még erősebb lett.
A legnagyobb - zenei téren - élményt pedig a végére hagytam. A második napon tudjátok ki volt a vendégfellépő? A Világ leggyorsabb zongoristája. Na, dereng valami? Semmi? És ha azt mondom HAVASI? Talán ez sem mond semmi közelebbit. Zseniális egy zenész, meg kell hogy mondjam. Rövid időn belül másodszor láttam aznap. Először decemberben volt szerencsém látni, és megismerni, az SD-n, akkor nagyjából 10 méterre ültem tőle. Most, légvonalban talán 25-30 méternyire. Hihetetlen, amit véghez vitt. És amit előadott, előadtak ott az valami csodálatos volt. ^^
U.I: Nemsokára befejezem az előző bejegyzést is, de ezt minél hamarabb be szerettem volna fejezni, mielőtt még az élmények mélyebbre kerülnének bennem, és netalántán felejtenék belőlük.
English version:
Believe you can do it!
Well, why I titled the entry with "Believe in yourself" and why I started the entry with the sentence "Believe you can do it" after the greeting... ヨロッパのラストを呼び集める今日でわはです。(Who can guess this can get a present from me. ^^) So, to tell it in English too not just in Japanese: At Mum's company there's an incentive program called European Rally (furtherly ER). This years's ER was the last really European Rally because the company's rallys are going global, and the next rally is going to be held in Hawaii. I could also say that the next ER is going to be held in Hawaii. The last rally European ER was held in Budapest in the Papp László Sportaréna.
Now, my dear readers, you might ask what an ER like this can give to a 17-year-old girl. A lot. Mostly strength and power to dream unbelievable dreams, and to dare to be a dreamer little girl, who thinks she can do huge things. Yesterday, I realized that if I have a burning desire inside of me ("Burning desire"... How inspiring its sound... Have you ever had this kind of desire, dear readers?), and I can become that dreamer little girl I was before, nothing can can stop me, and there's no barriers. If I believe this, it'll be true. As the president said yesterday: "Believe it. Know you can do it. Achieve it."
After this little summary I think I can start to write the whole "report" about the two days of the last ER.
I warn you! I can't be subjective! To really know what I'm speaking about you had to feel that feeling which was there.
On 24th, the whole event started at 11 a.m., and the security let us to go to our seats one hour before the current starting. Mum was actually really afraid of the crowd that was there, especially when we went upstairs to the place where we have to sit. But please, Europe was there, or at least all the qualifiers. And also she was afraid off the height of section 206, to be exact of that height where we sat down for the first try. Then finally we sat down next to our mentor, and there were some "movable reflector" on the corridor in front of us, so those where in the way and I only can see the half of the stage. But fortunately it didn't ruin my mood!
There was a contest between Europe's every country for "Spirit Award" which is a middle-sized certificate-like thing in a nice frame but soon you'll know more about this award. ^^ I had the same feeling like back then in 2008, at my first rally: Seeing Europe all together in the same stadium... It was an unspeakable experience. And that raging force which was there - of course in a good way - I can't even write a proper word to describe it.
The first day was "only" about celebration, recognitions came and went on the stage. I was totally amused and also I was amused because of every cheque of recognitions. Those were so big, like, I mean, OMG! I haven't seen cheques big like these in 4 years. Plus, my dear readers, be aware from the upcoming part! Did you checked your "seat belts"? ^^ Can I resume the storytelling? By the way, in this part the entry might be a little bit messy, because what I'm going to write about happened on the 2nd day of the ER.
You know where Kazakhstan is, right? Of course you know, what I've expected... Then, I bet you know what's the current juncture of the country... Or at least you can imagine it. In Europe the 3rd biggest distributor were a Kazakh couple who joined 2 years ago and~. At the ER there were 100 - no, I didn't mistyped it, as well as your eye's sight isn't bad - manager from their team with them in Budapest. It's unbelievable, isn't it? Well, Europe can do THIS too - or at least (oh, there are too many "at least"s Tee Hee... Sorry. ^^") here in 100%.
Now, back to the normal way. After the recognitions - or before, if my memory doesn't tricking me. Acrobats from Cirque du Soleil showed us their talent. I was completely amused again, and the whole day was a huge show. I didn't use tramnslator headset, though we deposit mine too just in case. I understand every single word what there were said.
And after that an Irish couple hold a presentation. About their life, and about their life in the company and with the company. I can't say that I don't remember all of their presentation but there were two sentences which stucked in my head: the title of the entry and the first sentence of it. You know how big power can those 2 little sentence gave? Huge!
The first day ended with the presentation of the company's president, in which I've heard that "burning desire". Which burns inside since then. Also, if a person can - and last but not at least dare to! - be a dreamer child again and dare to dream big, trust in others without any fear... Success will be there. I think I even teared up on the presentation.
And, about the beginning of the day before we took our seats: Seeing Europe here - as I wrote above - is fantastic. And I didn't use the proper word to describe the feeling. First, we met with Irish people, Romanians, then we met with people from Switzerland, Finland, Sweden. I think I don't have to say that the fact I could speak English - already, on the first day - was a wonderful feeling, though it's true, the first was an "Excuse me!" when we went to the entrance. But for me it was fantastic that they understood me and even replied. Inside of the Arena we saw a lot more - this time dressed in national dress - Romanian qualifiers. My first thought was "kirei~". Then we went to rent our translator headsets. As we went back to the crowd we say some members of our team and we stayed with them. And then, I saw a lady dressed in a Kazakh national dress. My first word - and it was the only word I could say in that situation - was "sugoi". Though I don't like pink I fell in love with that dress. The beautiful skirt-part of it, its pattern were literally wonderful. Even that little hat what was the part of the dress. There, I regretted that I didn't bring my camera .Oh, and I almost forgot about Turkish people... Sumimasen. So, the Turkish were full of energy at the beginning of the day. As they "sang", and the force came inside of them made a smile appear on my face. When they were beside us, someone started to shout - 'cause I can't say a better word for this now - "Ria, Ria, Hungaria!" and they shouted it too. I think it's not an ordinary scene...
The second day started with a 2-hour-long training. I have learnt a lots of interesting things. There was a presentation about a product of the company, but most of about success. The presenter, who taught us about the product, said a very interesting sentence: "It's your choice to be here today." Yes, everything depends on our decisions and choices.
Then a lady who was also a presenter came from the Scandinavian region and if I remember correctly she lives in Stockholm. She has a hairdresser salon, and she has 6 manager from her first name list. Just saying, as an interest. After this the husband from the Kazakh couple came to stage. He spoke about his (or I should use their, after all the presentation wasn't only about him but his wife too.) time in the company so far and how they achieved that with them there were 100 managers in Budapest. I couldn't say a word, I was completely amused by the presentation. After him, the fastest diamond in the world (or in the company's world) took the stage. By the way he is HUNGARIAN, and he also said about his time with the company and about his (and his wife's and their daughter's life, with the company and in real life - a little bit of everything, you know. :) ) life. It was amazing. If my memories are reasonable he was the one who closed the training-session. After this, there was a 3/4-hour-long break in which we spoke with the members of our team, and I took some pictures about the arena with my cell phone - and to tell the truth those aren't the best of my pictures... - and we walked a little around the Arena Sky. The second day we weren't sat at the 206th section but the top of the arena at the 320th section. It doesn't matter why, we had a bit misunderstanding, so the whole team moved. But this was the best solution, because now literally - right, almost - Europe was at my feet! Then there was a bit of celebration and somewhere in the middle of the day - the same goes for the first day - there was a little 5 or 10-minutes-long "Rally Rave Move" session, in which not on the moves were funny - there was for e.g.: "Do the Monkey", "Brush off Your Shoulder" and "Drive Your Car" etc. - but the moves were showed by people dressed in a green overall. But for real the moves were very very funny.
After the last block of recognition checks the president came to the stage and asked us to do a favor. The charity foundation of the company this time supports a Brazilian orphanage, and told us what the orphanage asked for from the foundation. Then, there I was too close to cry. 'Till then I cried silently but if the president detailed the things even more, in that silence which ruled the arena that time, I could easily start to cry loud and unstoppable. Furthermore, the president said if we buy a 10€-priced plush we can support the orphanage too. And I was like " If back then, a year ago we supported Japan with 74€ (which to someone doesn't mean a big amount of money), then this 10€ is nothing. (Our 74€ charity "movement" can be found detailed in the archive around March-April 2011.)
So, from the Arena Sky, we went through the half of the building and we bought the white plush with blue hat on it (it's representing a product of the company.)
After that they finally said the winner of the "Siprit Award". It's about which region or country has the most spirit of all. We, Hungarians won it in 2009, in Malaga.
This year two region was the most spirited: the formerly mentioned Scandinavian, and Romanian.
I'm glad that Scandinavians won the award. They really were spirited. I'm going to miss that how they "shouted" and "sang" that "Scandinavia, Scandinavia, ollé!"...
All in all, these two days were the best of my life - so far... - and made me a whole lot more motivated, gave me a whole lot more dreams, and the burning desire inside of me became stronger and bigger.
I left the biggest - in music's "area" - experience to the end of the entry. Do you know who was the guest performer on the 2nd day? The fastest pianist in the world. Is anything appears? No? Nothing? And if I say HAVASI? Maybe it doesn't helped. He is a genius musician, I have to say that. In a short amount of time I saw him for the second time. For the first time I saw him in December on an SD where I sat 10 meters away from him. Now, counted in "airline" I sat 25-30 meters away. It's unbelievable what he had done. And what he (uhm, they) performed was amazing. ^^
P.S.: Soon, I'm going to finish my entry from before, but I would liked to finish this one earlier before my memories got older and in case I forget some of them...
Well, why I titled the entry with "Believe in yourself" and why I started the entry with the sentence "Believe you can do it" after the greeting... ヨロッパのラストを呼び集める今日でわはです。(Who can guess this can get a present from me. ^^) So, to tell it in English too not just in Japanese: At Mum's company there's an incentive program called European Rally (furtherly ER). This years's ER was the last really European Rally because the company's rallys are going global, and the next rally is going to be held in Hawaii. I could also say that the next ER is going to be held in Hawaii. The last rally European ER was held in Budapest in the Papp László Sportaréna.
Now, my dear readers, you might ask what an ER like this can give to a 17-year-old girl. A lot. Mostly strength and power to dream unbelievable dreams, and to dare to be a dreamer little girl, who thinks she can do huge things. Yesterday, I realized that if I have a burning desire inside of me ("Burning desire"... How inspiring its sound... Have you ever had this kind of desire, dear readers?), and I can become that dreamer little girl I was before, nothing can can stop me, and there's no barriers. If I believe this, it'll be true. As the president said yesterday: "Believe it. Know you can do it. Achieve it."
After this little summary I think I can start to write the whole "report" about the two days of the last ER.
I warn you! I can't be subjective! To really know what I'm speaking about you had to feel that feeling which was there.
On 24th, the whole event started at 11 a.m., and the security let us to go to our seats one hour before the current starting. Mum was actually really afraid of the crowd that was there, especially when we went upstairs to the place where we have to sit. But please, Europe was there, or at least all the qualifiers. And also she was afraid off the height of section 206, to be exact of that height where we sat down for the first try. Then finally we sat down next to our mentor, and there were some "movable reflector" on the corridor in front of us, so those where in the way and I only can see the half of the stage. But fortunately it didn't ruin my mood!
There was a contest between Europe's every country for "Spirit Award" which is a middle-sized certificate-like thing in a nice frame but soon you'll know more about this award. ^^ I had the same feeling like back then in 2008, at my first rally: Seeing Europe all together in the same stadium... It was an unspeakable experience. And that raging force which was there - of course in a good way - I can't even write a proper word to describe it.
The first day was "only" about celebration, recognitions came and went on the stage. I was totally amused and also I was amused because of every cheque of recognitions. Those were so big, like, I mean, OMG! I haven't seen cheques big like these in 4 years. Plus, my dear readers, be aware from the upcoming part! Did you checked your "seat belts"? ^^ Can I resume the storytelling? By the way, in this part the entry might be a little bit messy, because what I'm going to write about happened on the 2nd day of the ER.
You know where Kazakhstan is, right? Of course you know, what I've expected... Then, I bet you know what's the current juncture of the country... Or at least you can imagine it. In Europe the 3rd biggest distributor were a Kazakh couple who joined 2 years ago and~. At the ER there were 100 - no, I didn't mistyped it, as well as your eye's sight isn't bad - manager from their team with them in Budapest. It's unbelievable, isn't it? Well, Europe can do THIS too - or at least (oh, there are too many "at least"s Tee Hee... Sorry. ^^") here in 100%.
Now, back to the normal way. After the recognitions - or before, if my memory doesn't tricking me. Acrobats from Cirque du Soleil showed us their talent. I was completely amused again, and the whole day was a huge show. I didn't use tramnslator headset, though we deposit mine too just in case. I understand every single word what there were said.
And after that an Irish couple hold a presentation. About their life, and about their life in the company and with the company. I can't say that I don't remember all of their presentation but there were two sentences which stucked in my head: the title of the entry and the first sentence of it. You know how big power can those 2 little sentence gave? Huge!
The first day ended with the presentation of the company's president, in which I've heard that "burning desire". Which burns inside since then. Also, if a person can - and last but not at least dare to! - be a dreamer child again and dare to dream big, trust in others without any fear... Success will be there. I think I even teared up on the presentation.
And, about the beginning of the day before we took our seats: Seeing Europe here - as I wrote above - is fantastic. And I didn't use the proper word to describe the feeling. First, we met with Irish people, Romanians, then we met with people from Switzerland, Finland, Sweden. I think I don't have to say that the fact I could speak English - already, on the first day - was a wonderful feeling, though it's true, the first was an "Excuse me!" when we went to the entrance. But for me it was fantastic that they understood me and even replied. Inside of the Arena we saw a lot more - this time dressed in national dress - Romanian qualifiers. My first thought was "kirei~". Then we went to rent our translator headsets. As we went back to the crowd we say some members of our team and we stayed with them. And then, I saw a lady dressed in a Kazakh national dress. My first word - and it was the only word I could say in that situation - was "sugoi". Though I don't like pink I fell in love with that dress. The beautiful skirt-part of it, its pattern were literally wonderful. Even that little hat what was the part of the dress. There, I regretted that I didn't bring my camera .Oh, and I almost forgot about Turkish people... Sumimasen. So, the Turkish were full of energy at the beginning of the day. As they "sang", and the force came inside of them made a smile appear on my face. When they were beside us, someone started to shout - 'cause I can't say a better word for this now - "Ria, Ria, Hungaria!" and they shouted it too. I think it's not an ordinary scene...
The second day started with a 2-hour-long training. I have learnt a lots of interesting things. There was a presentation about a product of the company, but most of about success. The presenter, who taught us about the product, said a very interesting sentence: "It's your choice to be here today." Yes, everything depends on our decisions and choices.
Then a lady who was also a presenter came from the Scandinavian region and if I remember correctly she lives in Stockholm. She has a hairdresser salon, and she has 6 manager from her first name list. Just saying, as an interest. After this the husband from the Kazakh couple came to stage. He spoke about his (or I should use their, after all the presentation wasn't only about him but his wife too.) time in the company so far and how they achieved that with them there were 100 managers in Budapest. I couldn't say a word, I was completely amused by the presentation. After him, the fastest diamond in the world (or in the company's world) took the stage. By the way he is HUNGARIAN, and he also said about his time with the company and about his (and his wife's and their daughter's life, with the company and in real life - a little bit of everything, you know. :) ) life. It was amazing. If my memories are reasonable he was the one who closed the training-session. After this, there was a 3/4-hour-long break in which we spoke with the members of our team, and I took some pictures about the arena with my cell phone - and to tell the truth those aren't the best of my pictures... - and we walked a little around the Arena Sky. The second day we weren't sat at the 206th section but the top of the arena at the 320th section. It doesn't matter why, we had a bit misunderstanding, so the whole team moved. But this was the best solution, because now literally - right, almost - Europe was at my feet! Then there was a bit of celebration and somewhere in the middle of the day - the same goes for the first day - there was a little 5 or 10-minutes-long "Rally Rave Move" session, in which not on the moves were funny - there was for e.g.: "Do the Monkey", "Brush off Your Shoulder" and "Drive Your Car" etc. - but the moves were showed by people dressed in a green overall. But for real the moves were very very funny.
After the last block of recognition checks the president came to the stage and asked us to do a favor. The charity foundation of the company this time supports a Brazilian orphanage, and told us what the orphanage asked for from the foundation. Then, there I was too close to cry. 'Till then I cried silently but if the president detailed the things even more, in that silence which ruled the arena that time, I could easily start to cry loud and unstoppable. Furthermore, the president said if we buy a 10€-priced plush we can support the orphanage too. And I was like " If back then, a year ago we supported Japan with 74€ (which to someone doesn't mean a big amount of money), then this 10€ is nothing. (Our 74€ charity "movement" can be found detailed in the archive around March-April 2011.)
So, from the Arena Sky, we went through the half of the building and we bought the white plush with blue hat on it (it's representing a product of the company.)
After that they finally said the winner of the "Siprit Award". It's about which region or country has the most spirit of all. We, Hungarians won it in 2009, in Malaga.
This year two region was the most spirited: the formerly mentioned Scandinavian, and Romanian.
I'm glad that Scandinavians won the award. They really were spirited. I'm going to miss that how they "shouted" and "sang" that "Scandinavia, Scandinavia, ollé!"...
All in all, these two days were the best of my life - so far... - and made me a whole lot more motivated, gave me a whole lot more dreams, and the burning desire inside of me became stronger and bigger.
I left the biggest - in music's "area" - experience to the end of the entry. Do you know who was the guest performer on the 2nd day? The fastest pianist in the world. Is anything appears? No? Nothing? And if I say HAVASI? Maybe it doesn't helped. He is a genius musician, I have to say that. In a short amount of time I saw him for the second time. For the first time I saw him in December on an SD where I sat 10 meters away from him. Now, counted in "airline" I sat 25-30 meters away. It's unbelievable what he had done. And what he (uhm, they) performed was amazing. ^^
P.S.: Soon, I'm going to finish my entry from before, but I would liked to finish this one earlier before my memories got older and in case I forget some of them...
ラベル: HAVASI - Freedom