Day 8 - Have you ever had your heart broken? Have you ever broken a heart?
2014年2月13日木曜日 0 loves
Hello everybody!
I'm sorry for my late post, but I had a lot to do. And I'm still not near the end of my 'to do list'. ><
So, let's start day 8.
Like in the classic 'A-guy-broke-up-with-me-and-I-ate-a-whole-pack-of-ice-cream' kind of situation, I haven't had my heart broken yet. Not that I'll ever I'm a way stronger young woman than that. But I had my heart broken by my grandparents many times over the last 12 years. As I said in an older post I think my family has a great relationship but... Most of the times when I think it's not great even in the slightest is because of my father's parents.
I didn't break any hearts so far. Not that I know of.
ラベル: the GazettE - QUIET
Day 7 - If you could wish for anything that would come true, what would you wish for?
2014年1月11日土曜日 0 loves
So, hello everybody!
You guys, what would wish for, if it could come true?
For me... I would want to stay by my Cortez's side for ever, and I would be grateful if I'd be known for and succesful because of my interpreter skills, and I want to stay friends with my BFF's and some other closest friends of mine.
I know these wishes will come true one day, because I'm working for them to come true, but it'd be great if they have come true right now.
ラベル: the GazettE - Inside Beast
Day 6 - What makes you different from everyone else?
0 loves
So, hello everybody!
Let's start day 6. Aaand sorry for my lateness.
What makes me different from everyone else? Well, honestly I don't know.
I'm always optimistic, and I always look on the bright side of life.
I've always planned my life every since I was 7. I've always known what I want to do with my life - which, I think, is a rare occurrence in my generation. I always plan whatever I do.
I had my own struggles and mistakes from which I've learned a lot.
I have an excellent relationship with my family. We have our moments, that's true, but our relationship is great.
My greatest role model is my mother. When I will be a mother I want to be a mother like her.
So far I never gave up. And I will never give up on anything.
My dreams are my goals. What I pictured in my mind, I would do everything to make it come true. I will make every single sentence in my Dream Note come true. I don't know how different it makes me from everyone else, but I haven't heard of anyone in my generation who had these kinds of ambitions. (Okay, beside my BFF's, and those who grew up the way I did.)
I always live my life to the fullest.
There's hardly any time when people see me sad or crying. Over the 4 years of high school from a grey little mouse, who cried over everything, I transformed into an always smiling cheerful girl.
My BFF, Eszter said that she weren't really opened up to people but to me she could write loads of messages. I think I have the ability to open people up, in some kind of way.
So, that's it for today. ^^
Day 5 - A habit you wish you didn't have
2013年12月22日日曜日 0 loves
気持ちはクリスマスらしいわ。毎年12月6日からこの気持ちがあるんだけど・・・ ハッハ
So, hello everybody!
Sorry for my late entry again. Teehee... So, Day 5.
A habit I wish I didn't have... Hm...
Getting nervous over the smallest things. And biting my bottom lip when I'm nervous or stressed out.
ラベル: Ke$ha feat. Pitbull - Timber
Day 4 - Your celebrity crush
2013年11月30日土曜日 0 loves
Hello, everybody!
I'm sorry for my lateness. So, let's continue with Day 4. (and maybe more, hahaha)
So, currently I don't have a celebrity crush at all. When I was younger though, I had. A Hungarian rock band's vocalist was my first celebrity crush. ^^
So, that's it for Day 4, stay tuned for Day 5.
Day 3 - Your Favourite Movies
2013年11月25日月曜日 0 loves
Hello everybody!
So, my favourite movies... Let's start Day 3.
1. Studio Ghibli movies, e.g. Nausicaä, Laputa, Totoro, Kiki's Delivery Service, Ocean Waves and Whisper of the Heart
2. Princess Diaries 1 and 2
3. Love and Other Drugs
4. Head Over Heels
5. Shall we ダンス?(A Japanese re-make made in 1996 from a movie filmed in 1932 with the same title [Shall we dance?])
6. Memoirs of a Geisha
7. The Devil Wears Prada
8. Disney Animated Movies (Cinderella 1 & 2, Lilo & Stitch 1 & 2, Leroy & Stitch, Lion King 1 & 2, The Little Mermaid 1 & 2, Beauty and the Beast, etc.)
9. Night at the Museum 1 and 2
10. Princess Protection Programme
11. Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen
12. Home Alone 1 and 2
13. Dirty Dancing - Havana Nights
14. The Parent Trap (The re-make from 1998)
15. The Swan Princess
16. Anastasia
17. The Back-Up Plan
18. Miss Congeniality 1 & 2
As you can see, the list mainly contains rom-com and animated movies. Stay tuned for more! ^^
ラベル: AKB48 - ヘビーローテーション
Day 2 - Your favourite songs
2013年11月24日日曜日 0 loves
So, day 2. Let's start.
My favourite songs, hm... I have plenty of them, haha!
Ultimate favourite list:
1. the GazettE's every song. Really I can't choose which one I like the most 'cause I like each one equally. But, to mention some: Cassis, RED, Kagefumi, Ibitsu, Yoin, Remember the Urge, VORTEX, My Devil on the Bed, A Moth Under the Skin, Agony, Attitude, Required Malfuntion, Break Me, Chijou, Derangement, etc.
Favourite songs with Imo-chan:
1. Katy Perry - ROAR
2. Katy Perry - Unconditionally
3. Little Mix - How ya doin'?
4. Avril Lavigne - Rock n' Roll
5. Bruno Mars - Treasure
6. Selena Gomez & Demi Lovato - One and the Same
7. Christina Aguilera - Express (from the movie Burlesque)
8. Imagine Dragons - Radioactive
9. Little Mix - Wings
Favourite J-Pop songs:
1. AKB48 - Heavy Rotation
2. AKB48 - 真夏のSounds Good
3. Ketsumeishi - 君にBUMP
4. YUI - Hello (from ParaKiss movie)
5. Crystal Kay - Attitude
6. AKB48 - Lucky Seven
7. Buono - Take it Easy
8. Anna Tsuchiya - Lucy
9. Namie Amuro - Break it
Other favourite songs:
1. Rihanna - Diamonds
2. Christina Aguilera - Candyman
3. Christina Aguilera - Fighter
4. Ke$ha - C'Mon
5. Ke$ha - Your Love is my Drug
6. Village People - YMCA
7. Olly Murs - Troublemaker
8. Cher Lloyd - Want U Back
9. Cher Lloyd ft. Becky G - Oath
That's it, guys. I tried to list my top 9 songs in each section.
See you! ^_^
Day 1 - Facts about you
2013年11月9日土曜日 0 loves
So, day 1. Let's get it started!
(I know, there was a picture of me, but since I started it over I deleted it, because the 1st day of this challenge doesn't require a picture of me. When I have to post it, I'll for sure! ^^)
So, onto the facts: (Excuse me if there'll be some from my other facts about me, teehee)
1. I'm any only child, but my BFF's are just like my siblings.
2. I'm abstinent. I can't stand alcohol.
3. I hate when someone put my hair behind my ears.
4. I don't consider myself as someone who holds grudge. There's hardly anyone who lost my trust for their entire life. (Side note: There are 2 people to be exact.)
5. I'm easy to get along with.
6. I would rather buy and/or order CDs and DVDs from Japan or abroad than download them.
7. I hardly ever watch T.V. If I do I only watch films I'm interested in.
8. I want to have a henna tattoo of a certain kanji on my left wrist.
9. I'm not that interested in fashion but I like dressing up in a stylish way.
10. In my free time I relax with my live DVDs and some Studio Ghibli movies.
11. I have a Top 5 big cities list. The first is Tokyo, then the second is London, then Paris, the fourth is my birthplace, Budapest and the 5th on the list is Kyoto.
12. In 10th grade I already decided what university will I attend to and that I want to have a second degree in media.
13. I like to listen to those kinds of music that motivates me. But my ultimate favourite music is the GazettE's music.
14. Just as my favourite fictional female character, Reni from Saint Johanna High School by Laura Leiner, I have my own tracklist for times when I cry.
15. I've danced in a local dance group for 5 and a half years with my BFF of 12 years, Imo-chan but I left the group because I wanted to achieve a career with languages.
ラベル: the GazettE - Red
30 day challenge
0 loves
Hello everyone!
So, it's been awhile, huh? I'm sorry I've been caught up with school and such, and I had an exam of Japanese language which I think did pretty well. On the 1st year's exam I got an A and on the 2nd year's I got a B. Even though I think I could have done waaaay better.
So, I've decided to take a 30 day challenge about me. In this post, I'll post the list, and in the following post I'll start the first day. I decided to start this over, with another list, so here it goes. :)

2013年10月17日木曜日 0 loves
Nos, Csokiiii~~! (Ha már SZJG, köszönjünk SZJG-sen.)
Újra magyarul. Nem hittem volna, hogy fél évvel azután, hogy eldöntöttem, a blogot angolul vezetem tovább lesz bármiért is okom magyarul írni. És van/volt. Egy könyv. A Szent Johanna Gimi. Azt hiszem, bár angolul is elég jól meg tudnám fogalmazni a könyvvel kapcsolatos érzéseimet, magyarul az igazi.
Azt, amit én most ide leírok azok érzik majd át azt hiszem a legjobban, akik olvasták a sorozatot.
Azt hiszem a legjobb az elején elkezdeni. Sokáig vívódtam, hogy mit csináljak, olvassam vs. ne olvassam, mennyi időm lesz rá, és még hasonlók. Aztán elkezdtem idézeteket nézegetni Facebookon, és hivatalos Facebook oldalán a sorozatnak, és június elején a Kezdettel elkezdődött életem talán legmeghatározóbb három hónapja. Bár mindig is szerettem olvasni, ez a sorozat különösen a kedvencemmé vált, nem hinném, hogy bármilyen más sorozat képes lenne letaszítani a képzeletbeli dobogóm első fokáról. Mert egészen egyszerűen nem lehet. ♥
Az első SZJG kötetet a vecsési Market Central Lírájában kaptam le a polcról, és mivel aznap a nagymamámhoz mentünk az úton talán az első száz oldalt el is olvastam. Rá két napra pedig már az Együtt című kötetet forgattam a kezeim között, és addig nem nyugodtam, amíg nem olvastam el a könyvet.
Renit azonnal a szívembe zártam, saját magamat láttam benne. Ugyanolyan önbizalomhiányos voltam, mint amilyen Ő volt, és fokozatosan - akárcsak Reni - kezdem levetkőzni ezt a "hibámat", az aktuálisan olvasott könyv pedig mindig a kedvencem, ugyanúgy mint neki.. Virágot azért mert MANGAA~! És a későbbiekben pedig a kicsattanó jókedve miatt szerettem meg igazán. Reni mellett benne fedeztem fel magam még a legjobban. Kinga, a maximalista Kinga. Eleinte nem kedveltem, aztán fokozatosan zártam a szívembe Őt is. Mert benne is látok valamit, ami talán rám is jellemző, nekem is van egy "Kinga énem", ahogy talán mindenkinek. Kingában a határozottsága tetszett igazán, az, hogy mindenkinek segíteni akart, és persze, hogy a maga módján segített a barátainak. Úgy hiszem, valami mindhárom lányból van bennem, helyzettől függően.
A könyvnek hála még egyszer felnőttem, sokkal másképpen látom a dolgokat, amik körül vesznek. Másként élek meg bizonyos dolgokat, és sok régi-régi szituáción csak nevetek, mert ahogy Reni megváltozott a 4 év alatt a könyvben, úgy fordult velem 180°-ot a világ 3 hónap alatt. Imo-channal rengetegszer beszéltünk telefonon keresztül, vagy akár személyesen is. Igazából nehéz szavakba önteni azt, amit ez a sorozat kihozott belőlem. Mert rengeteg olyan dolog van ami "inside joke"-nak számít, és amiket talán csak mi, SZJGerek, és az írónőnk ért. ♥
Soha, ismétlem soha nem tudott könyv még megríkatni, mert egyszerűen nem tudtam azonosulni a szereplőkkel. Nagyon sokáig nem tudtam olyan könyvet találni, amiben bárki karakterét annyira a magaménak érezhetném, mint Reniét vagy Virágét. Voltak olyan könyvek, amikről azt hittem, hogy sikerült azonosulni, de rá kellett jönnöm, hogy az eddig olvasott könyvek közül semelyik szereplői sem fogtak meg annyira, mint az SZJG szereplői.
Az SZJG viszont ilyen könyv volt. Hihetetlenül gyorsan saját magam láttam vissza Reniben, kezdetben sok helyzetet ugyanúgy reagáltam le, mint Ő. Megszámlalhatatlanul sokat sírtam a köteteken.
Bár most nem töltök túl sok időt az osztályommal előre tartok tőle, hogy a szalagavatón novemberben, vagy a ballagáson lesírom majd a sminkemet, mert nagyon a szívemhez nőttek. És tudom, hogy ha leérettségizünk, és szétszéledünk már semmi sem lesz ugyanaz.
Gyakorlatilag kéthetente járkáltam a könyvesboltba az újabb kötetekért, a hatodik kötetet annyira olvastam, hogy szinte saláta lett belőle, mert valahol a 238-239. oldal környékén kiszakadt belőle két lap. Aztán megfeleződött a könyv, mert nagyjából a 240. oldal után lejött a könyv gerincéről a ragasztás, és csak úgy lógott, aztán pár nappal később a 237. oldallal bezárólag is levált kb. 200 oldal a könyv gerincéről ragasztással.
Az Útvesztő környékén talán szándékosan lassítottam az olvasási tempómon, az addigi 100-150 oldal/nap helyett csak 30-50 oldalra korlátoztam le magam, de azt hiszitek kibírtam? Persze hogy nem. Mondhatom, hogy a sorozat bármelyik kötete akadt is a kezembe, szó szerint odaragadt a kezemhez, és képtelenség volt letenni. Ha ébren voltam az aktuális olvasott kötet az íróasztalomon hevert. Ha aludtam az ágyamon volt. Amikor nem tudtam aludni becsuktam a szobám ajtaját, felkapcsoltam az éjjeliszekrényen a lámpát, és hajnali háromkor olvasni kezdtem. Más kérdés, hogy Anyukám 3 percen belül rám nyitott, hogy tegyem le a könyvet és "Nyomás aludni!", de akkor is úgy fogtam fel, hogy legalább 2 oldallal előbbre járok a könyvben.
Ahogy azt fentebb írtam rengeteget sírtam. Minden kötetben amikor Reni is sírt, de az Útvesztő olvasása közben számtalanszor jött rám a bőghetnék. Volt, hogy csak öt percig, volt, hogy másfél órán át. Akárcsak Reninek, nekem is megvan a sírós dallistám. Sőt, nekem sírós DVD-listám is van.
Rengetegszer volt, hogy rotringceruzával a kezemben jelölgettem a számomra fontos, szép, szívbemarkoló vagy éppen romantikus mondatokat. Esetleg az olyanokat, amik motiváló erővel bírnak a számomra. Ezek mellé egy jó vaskos felkiáltó jelet is rajzoltam, és még az oldalszámot is bekereteztem, hogy tudjam, ha magam alatt vagyok éppen melyik oldalon kell felcsapnom a kötetek valamelyikét.
Nem emlékszem olyan könyvre vagy éppen olyan sorozatra, amin annyit nevettem volna mint az SZJG-n. Mindenhova vittem magammal, akár még a nagyszüleimhez is, és miközben zenét hallgattam és olvastam sokszor igen hangosan felnevettem, amit nem tudtak mire vélni, hacsak Anya meg nem magyarázza nekik, hogy a gyerek éppen olvas. Vagy amikor két hete Opatijába, Horvátországba mentünk kicsin múlott, hogy körbeérje a vigyor a fejemet, csak a füleim állították meg. Sőt, egyszer-kétszer még fel is vihogtam, ha jól emlékszem.
Volt olyan, hogy megláttam a metrón egy srác kezében egy BlackBerry-t, és be kellett harapnom a számat, nehogy nagyon elvigyorodjak, vagy felnevessek, mert egyből Cortez jutott eszembe.
Úgy vélem mindenkinek megvan a saját Corteze, csak idő kérdése, hogy megtalálja. Nekem is van saját Cortezem, és ha kell várok legalább ugyanannyit, vagy akár még többet is, mint Reni. Rengetegszer azon kaptam magam, mikor olvastam, hogy Reni helyében magamat látom a fejemben, Cortez helyett pedig az én Cortezem van ott.
Mindenki életében van olyan barátnő, mint Kinga, és olyan is, mint Virág. Én már csak tudom. ^^ Vagy legalább egy olyan ember aki úgy ért a gépekhez mint Dave és Macu. És még tovább sorolhatnám Andrist, Robit, Jacques-ot, Gábort, Katát, Flórát, Karcsit, Kittit, de nem teszem, mert biztosra veszem, hogy vannak ilyen emberek.
Nem tudom, hogy valaha volt-e lesz-e vagy most van-e olyan igazgatóhelyettes bármelyik iskolában az ország területén, mint Máday igazgatóhelyettes asszony, de valahogy úgy érzem Őt überelni nem nagyon lehet. Imádtam a karakterét, mikor Imo-channak ecseteltem az első benyomásaimat a sorozatról mindegyik szereplőről áradoztam, Máday-nál viszont csak ennyit mondtam: "Máday forever", mert ez mindent elmondott.
Mindenkinek van saját Kardosa (jó és rossz értelemben egyaránt azt hiszem), sőt, saját Vladárom is van. Azt hiszem ilyen tanárok nélkül talán nem is lenne igazi a középiskolai élete az embernek. Mert nincs olyan, ahogy valakit egyformán kedvelne minden tanár, úgy gondolom.
Aztán ott van Dina. Gondolom, hogy mindenki életében vagy egy Dinához hasonló lány, aki valami miatt elkezd utálni. Nem kell ecsetelnem hogy működik ez, ugye?
Szándékosan hagytam az Örökké II. részét majdnem a bejegyzés legvégére. Közel két hetet (vagy talán egy hónapot is) pihentettem, mert nem akartam, hogy a gyors olvasásom miatt túl hamar érjen véget ez a világ, amibe belecsöppentem három hónapja. Egy dolog biztos, az SZJG felejthetelen élmény volt számomra és az is marad. A szereplők a részemmé váltak, összenőttem velük. Soha nem fogom elfelejteni az SZJG-t, mert tényleg kegyetlenül meghatározó könyvsorozata az életemnek. Ez most hatalmas nagy közhely lesz, de ez a könyvsorozat olyan dologra volt képes, amire más nem: kinyitott a világ felé. Úgy érzem azóta, hogy elkezdtem olvasni a Kezdetet egyre inkább nyitottabb és nyitottabb lettem, mint voltam mondjuk 2 éve. Van egy olyan érzésem, hogy én most már ilyen maradok, a folyton mosolygós, néha szókimondó, egyre magabiztosabb, kicsit Virágos, kicsit Renis, kicsit Kingás Anna. Akinek meg nem tetszik? Hát, deal with it.
Ha most lennék nyolcadikos, és a Szent Johanna tényleg létezne Budapesten távolság ide vagy oda, tuti oda adnám be a jelentkezésemet. Így is elég makacs voltam anno, nyolcadikosként, hogy oda mehessek, ahol most érettségizni fogok, biztos meg tudnám győzni Anyut miért engedjen el a Szent Johannába, ha a suli létezne.
Ez a könyv egy kihagyhatatlan élmény volt számomra. Tényleg azt éreztem, hogy én is közéjük tartozom. Amint alkalmam nyílik, újraolvasom az egész sorozatot, amennyiszer csak tudom.
Kb. 3 órája olvastam el az Örökké II. részének utolsó oldalát, azóta sok minden forgott az agyamban a könyvvel kapcsolatban. Hogy mit írhatnék ide? Csak jót. Hogy mennyire fog hiányozni? Nagyon, de tudom, hogy bármikor újraolvashatom. Hogy milyen érzés lesz az, amikor elköltözöm itthonról Pestre, az egyetem miatt, és esetleg nem viszem magammal a köteteket? (Ahogy Virág mondaná) Oan naon furcsa. De akkor is velem lesz mindegyik szereplője az életem minden pillanatában. Mert egy ilyen könyvet, mint az SZJG, azt hiszem nehéz vagy egyáltalán nem lehet az emberből kitörölni, főleg nem akkor amikor a jelenlegi helyzetét hajszálpontosan ábrázolja.
Köszönöm Laura, hogy megírtad ezt a 8 kötetet. ♥ Köszönöm, hogy kinyitottál a világ felé. :) Köszönöm, hogy még jobban megszerettetted velem az olvasást! :))
ラベル: the GazettE - Red
2013年9月1日日曜日 0 loves

Hey, everybody!
So, about that previous entry, I simply deleted that. It felt like I wasn't the one who wrote it. But, here's an other one.
Lately I've read some entries from Nóra Oravecz's blog and she has become a huge inspiration to me. The way she writes those entries are indescribable. She really got me think about some things in my life. So, thank you Nóra! <3
Before I dig deeper down, I have a lot of favourite quotations from various people and from various songs. My current favourite is this: "Who will I be? It's up to me! (...) I get to make the future what I want to!"
What I'd like to write about is dreams. I mean, you guys also have dreams just like me, right? And I'm not talking about those dreams that you have at night but those you want to achieve. Because everybody wants to achieve something in this life, right?
My life philosophy is that dreams drive you to the correct direction. And beside this, YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN MAKE YOUR LIFE WORTH. You are the only one who knows what you want to do with your life and how you want to live it when you grow up. You only live once, so make the most of it.
Every since I was 7 years old my Mom always told me to set goals and to have dreams because otherwise I won't achieve anything in life. Goals and dreams help you to stay on the right way. And these goals can change by the time you get older: even though I wanted to be a writer at the age of 13, now, at the age of 18 I strictly stick to my dream: to become an interpreter and to learn as many languages as I can. 'Cause this is what suits me.
It's not enough to have dreams. You have to focus on them. You have to have a burning desire inside of you and have to feel a knot inside of your stomach every time it comes to your mind. Because then, you really want it. You need it. But don't forget to WORK for them, because dreams won't come true on their own, you have to do a lot for them to come true. On the other hand, if you just say something like "oh, yeah, I want to achieve it too" but feel completely NOT A THING when you say it out loud, then, my friend you DON'T want to achieve it AT ALL. Those are just empty words that flew out of your mouth. End of story.
What's the most necessary thing is to THINK POSITIVE. Don't let others have you down with their negative mind, because they're just envy. Envy of you, who actually have dreams and want to do something to reach them. If you feel you're on the right way towards your dream, don't let their opinion hurt you. Just focus on your dream and let these opinions flew by, because you're strong enough to pay no attention to these.
You know, I learned nearly a year ago that being successful has its own stages. First, after you decided what do you want to do, and you want to achieve success, most of those people who know you (or at least they think they know you) will laugh at you, saying that "You're stupid to think it'll work."(no matter what they had said, in the back of their mind they might have thought this) then, they'll feel sorry for you, and think that "Look at that poor thing she thought she'd be able to do this and now she has no time at all", and they'll try to talk the dream out of you. After that, they'll be surprised, "OMG, she's driving a Lamborghini" and will think you only had luck, and nothing more. However when you arrived to your success' last stage the bomb will explode. They'll say "DAMMIT, she made it! She's popular and successful, she has all the thing she wanted to achieve when we were younger and knew her."
So yes, there will be haters/dream "destroyers". Those who will envy you for your achievements. Who will watch you like an eagle to know when you'll fall and when they can rub it into your face "They've said it".
But you'll have followers as well, to whom you'll be a role model, and they want to become as strong as you are, who'll stand by your side no matter what happens, and you will be inspiration for them to go on and stand up even after the worst thing happened to them. And you know what? Because of them it completely worth it.

I hate when someone complains about how miserable their life is. You could have made it less miserable, you know, if you wanted to. But you didn't make it, so the equation is easy, you didn't want it enough to do something for it. You quietly accepted the situation you're in, and didn't want to change it.
Be honest, if not with me, at least yourself. Look inside of you and ask yourself "What do I REALLY want to do/achieve/do with my life?" If you come to the answer "Nothing" then, it's wrong. Very wrong. Once, when you were younger certainly you had a dream. But something made you step aside from the road to that dream. And you arrived to a dead end.
Don't let your dreams be just dreams. Aside from your most loyal friends and family your dreams will stay with you no matter what.

Have the strength to carry on. You shouldn't have to give up. You CAN'T give up. I know I have a lot of haters out there and besides achieving every single thing I've wrote so far into my Dream Note, I can't wait to prove those people who doubt me wrong. I can't wait to show them what I've achieved. What I've become. From the 'grey little mouse' who always cried whenever someone said something bad to her, from the girl who was insecure about everything she did, and had no self-esteem at all I've grown into a self-confident, independent, grown-up young woman. I'm a diamond in the rough.
I'm on the best way to my dream, and I know I'm going to achieve it. 'Cause the burning desire is inside of me, 'cause I feel that knot in my stomach every time I think or talk about it and I feel that I need my dream to come true because without that my life wouldn't be complete.
For me, there's nothing that's impossible. I dream big, but I know I can make it. I want to be free when I'll start working, from any kind of bosses, I want to be free because I want to live my life the way I'd always dreamed about. I want to be free to do what I like to do and I want my career to become my hobby. I want to be free from worries and fears and I want to believe there aren't any limits in the world and you, me, anyone else can reach what they really want. And never stop dreaming. Dreams give you the power to carry on, and they'll provide you more and more dreams as well. Believe me, once you started dreaming, you can't stop. If you don't have dreams it means, you're dying inside. And don't let that happen.

What I think is also important to surround yourself with people from who you can get support and from who you can learn. You have no idea how much I'd learned from my friends.
Lately I've been thinking about my past. How much time did I waste on the wrong people? I thought I did something good by it, but no. I was only taken advantage of. And I spent less time with those people who really would deserve it. But now it's completely different. My friends are my REAL friends and those who I once considered as "friends" flew out of my life. Because they didn't have any kind of place in it. You know (as Nóra said it in her latest entry) it really does matter to who do you give your life and why? Do you think they deserve it? When will you realize it had been a waste of time? WILL you realize it? Do they really want you as a part of their own life or you just force yourself on them? Let them live up to the current moment. Then, they'll treasure every moment they can spend with you. These moments are what count and nothing else.
I think I realized it. I don't force myself on them, with my friends from my class we meet 2 or 3 times a week, with Imo-chan we can talk for hours over the smallest things, we nearly talk for 2 hours every week on phone and when we meet we chat about 4-5 hours. And both of us need it. With Eszter, we can write letters which are equal to a novel to each other. And they're just my friends from my generation. My friends who are a little bit older than me are also the same. And I know I can trust them and they'll never ever use me. ♥ I treasure every moment I get to spend with my friends. I learned every word we've written to each other with Eszter by heart because I treasure her. I remember every little thing we've done with Imo-chan so far, from the dance course to our latest meeting, from elementary school's 1st grade 'til the 8th grade and even after that. Every single meeting and phone conversation we had during holidays and school years.
By the way, I wouldn't dare to count how many years did I waste on people who didn't deserve my attention or who just used me. I made my own mistakes and learned from them. They'll be with me 'til the rest of my life and I'll always remember these mistakes as "don't ever dare to do them again". I threw a lot of expensive time out of the window for the wrong people and I can't remember any of the times I've spent with them. End of story.
While I was reading Nóra's post, I was thinking of how many people are out there who didn't appreciate that I tried to be there for them. They (or at least I think) didn't appreciate my attention, maybe wasn't happy at all because I gave my attention to them, and didn't treasured it. But that doesn't matter. I moved on, and I'm not interested in either these people or their opinion.
I want to say a huge thank you to all of my friends who are there for me every time. Without you guys I wouldn't be the girl I am today, and thank you, thank you, for your friendship. ♥ I ♥ U!
So, my dear readers, what I'm trying to say is that treasure your true friends. They'll be there for you whenever you'll need them, and appreciate their friendship! Just as my friends are my other halves, your friends are your halves as well.
As closing words for this entry... Stick to your dreams, and make them come true. You know you can, you just have to want it very very much. Be free to do what you wanna do, and be free from your fears. And treasure your real friends. Because they'll never leave you.
For an afterword, some words from my recent favourite, Katy Perry's Roar. Because this is so inspiring.
"I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter, dancing through the fire
Cause I am a champion and you’re gonna hear me ROAR
Louder, louder than a lion
Cause I am a champion and you’re gonna hear me ROAR"

Pictures from and
ラベル: Katy Perry - ROAR
2013年8月30日金曜日 0 loves
ハロー皆さん!(* ^ー゚)ノぃょぅ
久しぶりね?( ・。・)つ色々があったから、ブログに時間がなかった。時間があると、このエントリーの前のエントリーも書く予定です。ごめんね。来週高校の最後の年を始まるよ。エッ(゚Д゚≡゚Д゚)マジ? ワクワクしているよ。( ^▽^)皆さんもワクワクしているの?( ^×^)アンタモネー
It's been a while, again. I'm sorry I had a hard time and had no time for the blog at all. If I have enough time I'm gonna write the post before this one, I promise. So, sorry for not blogging for so long. Btw, I'm extremely excited (and nervous). My last year in high school starts next week. And I can't wait to see my classmates. ( ^∀^)ゲラ
So, because I haven't had anything interesting to blog about (okay I had but I had no time to blog about it) I came up with this "20 random facts" to fill in the gap. Let's get started...
1. I'm a leftie.
2. I'm an only child (however I have a half-sister), and my BFFs, Imo-chan and Eszter are like siblings to me.
3. I'm in love with Japan's language and culture, and the whole country itself.
4. My favourite city is Tokyo. My favourite district is Shinjuku.
5. My favourite band is the GazettE and my favourite singer is Avril Lavigne (according to Imo-chan I bear some resemblance with Avril).
6. When I was younger I wanted to become a writer. Now, my dream is to become a translator and interpreter. I'm working on making it come true since 6th grade.
7. I have a passion for languages. I'm learning English since I was 4 years old, and I'm learning Japanese for 7 years and French for 4 years. I want to learn Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, Chinese, Russian, Thai and some Japanese dialects as well.
8. My favourite languages are English and Japanese.
9. I can't ride a bike. When I tried to learn it my grandfather let go of me, I fell down and I completely gave the whole thing up.
10. I love Miyazaki Hayao's and Studio Ghibli's movies.
11. I have a picture on my bookshelf in my room which says 「信じつづける事、夢かな」 and it means "If you believe, your dreams come true." Everyday when I wake up this is the first thing I see.
12. I cannot be seen without a book. My current favourite book series is Saint Johanna High School by Laura Leiner (Szent Johanna Gimi in Hungarian).
13. I'd rather have a specific meeting place with my friends where we can eat ice-cream or something than wandering around the town aimlessly.
14. I'm an Aquarius, born in February. Therefore I love winter. On contrary can't stand cold weather.
15. I used to go every anime convention I had a chance to go, but my last con was in 2011. I simply feel that I grew out of anime conventions.
16. Me and my BFF, Imo-chan will be friends for 12 years on 1st September.
17. My favourite places in Budapest are Sugar Shop confectionery, Károli Gáspár University (it completely swept me off of my feet on 25th January), Millenium Bookstore on Oktogon, and WestEnd City Center.
18. I have personalized ringtones for my Mom and my BFF. Both are by the GazettE.
19. I have a notebook what I call "Dream Note" which contains all my goals I want to achieve in my life and I'm still adding to it.
20. I have a plenty of favourite car types. I want to have a Suzuki Kizashi, a Lexus LS600h, a Ferrari, a Lamborghini and an Infiniti.
(*^ー゚)/~~ (・ε・)
ラベル: the GazettE - Red
2013年7月5日金曜日 0 loves
元気なの?私、とても元気ね。今週はとても楽しかった。( ^▽^) イモちゃんとSkypeをした。そして、先週の金曜日にも会った。(・∀・)
Hey, everyone!
So, last Friday I met Imo-chan. We had so much fun.(* ^ー゚) We talked about anything and everything. Even about SzJG too. We were fantasizing if SzJG would have a movie adaptation who would be the perfect character from our former class in elementary school. Well, we didn't come to a solution yet. I mentioned a 'popular kid' from the class as a possible actor for Cortez but we had to realize that he wouldn't fit the role completely. ┐(´д`)┌
And we discussed our family issues as well. As we're like sisters for each other, it's a tradition now.
I asked her if she knew something about our former classmates. She said two of the 'popular girls' (even though I hate labels I won't EVER use my former or current classmates' name (expect for Imo-chan, heehee), so bear with me.) asked her to organize a class reunion. Okay. But, can't they organize it themselves? (・ε・ ) Back then, they were those who hated the class and gossiped about everyone and now, they're the ones who want go to the class reunion so badly. (・◇・lll) Don't get me wrong, I would also go to one, if Imo-chan is going too. Otherwise, I don't think so. I might get along with my classmates but there are people who I don't want to meet. (゚ε゚ )
Okay, so. Back to the main topic. We went to our new 'Place', which is in the town center as well as Délibáb was before it got closed. The place is called 'Fodor Fagyizó' (A/N: approx. 'Fodor Ice Cream Parlor' is the correct English translation) and we moved our meetings there from now on. For the summer, that is. We haven't decided yet if we want to move back to Arizona for winter.
It was a little bit rainy when we met, and the indoor tables (just 3, the rest of the tables are outdoor tables) were occupied, so we decided to sit at an outdoor table.(・∀・)イイネ!! In the rain. Okay, it was not heavy at all, but we were the only ones who sat there. We were soo cool.(≧∇≦)b And we laughed and talked. Then, we had strawberry flavored snow cones. And it was like, Imo-chan asked me what kind of flavor I'd like and I was like, "Strawberry of course". When she came back with two strawberry snow cones (btw, next time I'll pay for our snow cones, Imo-chan!) and she told me she was also thinking of strawberry. Just like the other times, we thought of the same thing. (・∀・)人( ̄ー ̄)人
Then, we went to window shopping. It was extremely great. First, we went to the farthest part of the town and then, we went back to the center, because our next destination was next to Fodor. We're clever, aren't we? |゚‐゚ν And we visited my Mom in the pharmacy as well, because I got tired of carrying my leather jacket, and I couldn't put it into my bag, it was too small.( ^∀^)ゲラ
After that we went to Imo-chan's home, and while we were on the way to her house we were talking about our second foreign languages which we learn in school. I didn't say much in French, but when she said she'd like to spend a week in Budapest in German, it immediately dawned on me, "Why won't we spend a week at my flat?" so, I had an almost complete plan what could we do and Mom also agreed with it, but when I discussed it with Imo-chan she said she wouldn't make it because her summer holiday is extra busy. So, if everything is going well, we (we, and our mothers) might go to Budapest for 1 day. |☆∀☆)ノィョゥ But maybe next year, after our leaving exams are over we will go to Budapest for a week.
We had a great 15 minutes at her home, but then, Mom called me, that her work is over at the pharmacy and where should she pick me up. So after she arrived we had to say goodbye to each other with Imo-chan.
Thanks to her, I couldn't stop smiling for the weekend.ヽ从^▽^从ノ
And I couldn't wait for Monday to call her on Skype.|⌒ v.⌒0)ノィョゥ
That's all for today, if something interesting (or anything else which is not sad) is happening again, I'll make an entry about it immediately.
ラベル: Little Mix - How Ya Doin'?
2013年7月2日火曜日 0 loves
Hey, everybody!
No, there won't be Japanese text but just for now.
It'll be a quick post.
As Google Reader will be shut down soon (I'm not sure if it already had though), I decided to make a bloglovin' account.
So, please follow me there if you want! It means a lot to me!
Thank you very much!
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